Sculptra For Face

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Sculptra is an FDA-approved injectable Poly-L-Lactic dermal filler that is used for skin and soft tissue augmentation. Starting from the age of 25, we experience subdermal fat tissue loss and the collagen in our skin breaks down as part of the aging process. This results in sagging and wrinkled skin. Sculptra treats the underlying cause of aging by stimulating collagen production in the treated area. This results in an improved appearance when it comes to laugh lines, smile lines, chin wrinkles and marionette lines.

When it comes to youthful appearances, not all treatments are the same. Standard topical collagen creams that attempt to increase collagen in an area rarely penetrate the skin. This means that they do little to actually improve your appearance. With Sculptra injections, patients are able to effectively increase collagen production under the skin and see improvements in their treated areas as their body increases collagen production sub dermally.

At LA Beauty Skin Center we pride ourselves on offering this amazing, effective, and non-surgical way of achieving your beauty goals!

How Does Sculptra Work?

If you are looking to improve your appearance in a natural and long lasting way, Sculptra may be a great choice for you. The best way to discover if you are a great candidate for Sculptra treatments is to come to LA Beauty Skin Center for a Sculptra consultation!

When Will I See Results?

The results of Sculptra are gradual and increase over time as your body increases collagen production. This ensures natural looking results in the reduction of wrinkles that will last for years. Typically, patients begin to see results after several weeks which continue to improve over months.

Usually, we recommend 3 treatment sessions 6 weeks apart to achieve the optimal results.

What is Sculptra Made Of?

Sculptra is composed predominantly of poly-L-lactic acid otherwise know as PLA. PLA has been used frequently to create bone plate and absorbable sutures. It is derived from a naturally occurring substance in the body called lactic acid, a compound that promotes cellular metabolism. Sculptra is natural, FDA-approved and above all, safe. 

Am I A Good Candidate? 

Sculptra injections work by stimulating your body to produce collagen. Collagen is a naturally occurring protein that gives skin its elasticity and bound which breaks down through sun exposure and age. By stimulating your body to produce collagen, you will see a more youthful appearance through improved structure and renewed volume in your face.

How Many Vials Of Sculptra Do I Need?

It’s highly individual and depends on your current facial structure, skins condition and the desired outcome. Approximately, 1 Vial per decade of life. 

Consultation with an experienced, licensed professional will help you understand whether injections with Sculptra will be an efficient and safe treatment option for you.
Only licensed and certified professionals are to be trusted with this treatment.

Individual results may vary.

At LA Beauty Skin Center we have a state-of-the-art technology and a highly qualified team of professionals ready to attend to your personalized needs and to answer the questions you might have.

Consultations with Dr. Arman F. Karapetyan are $100, which will be applied to the treatment cost if the treatment is done on the same day.

Consultations with nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants are $50, and will be applied to the treatment cost if the treatment is done on the same day.

Please call us at 818-888-0001 for your consultation today!

Sculptra For Face (Per Vial) $850
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