Your body goes through drastic changes when you’re pregnant. And it’s not surprising, considering that it creates and needs to accommodate a whole other person. You can expect to gain weight, lose bladder control and grow hair. Lots of it! In places, you may not even have had hair before, like your stomach and lower back, for example.

So, what can you do about excessive hair growth? Many women ask, “can you get laser hair removal while pregnant?” The debate on whether it’s safe to do laser hair removal when pregnant is ongoing. But most doctors would advise against it.

Let’s examine why laser hair removal during pregnancy is discouraged and when is the best time to consider it.

About Laser Hair Removal Treatments

How do laser hair removal treatments work? It’s simple — a laser or a concentrated beam of light is focused on the area of the skin where hair removal needs to happen. This beam of light goes over the area and “zaps” the hair out.

This “zapping” process essentially damages hair growth at a follicular level. As the light damages the hair follicle, it shrinks, and the hair falls off. The shrunken follicle then takes weeks or even months to repair and regrow hair.

This is very different from waxing or shaving, where hair is just pulled out of the follicle, or cut off at the surface.

You must remember that one sitting of laser hair removal will not result in permanent hair removal. That would require multiple laser procedures and follow-up maintenance treatments as well, which we’ll discuss, in detail, in one of our future blogs.

So, what’s the concern with pregnancy and laser hair removal?

Pregnancy And Hormonal Hair Growth

Your body goes through abrupt and dramatic hormonal changes and fluctuations during pregnancy. Aside from increased levels of human chorionic gonadotropin, estrogen, progesterone, and prolactin – all of which have an effect on hair growth and thickness, the increased levels of androgens are the main reason for the growth of belly hair or hair growth in unusual body areas. Besides your stomach, you may also notice hair growth on areas like your face, neck, chest, shoulders, arms, upper back, lower back, and glutes.

All that extra hair growth is a reflection of the myriad of complex hormonal processes to ensure optimal conditions for your baby to grow healthy. However, most women find it unattractive and consider laser hair removal during pregnancy to get rid of the body hair.

But, is that a good idea? Can you get laser hair removal while pregnant? Is laser hair removal safe during pregnancy? Read on to know why you might want to slam the brakes on that idea.

Reasons Why Pregnancy and Laser Hair Removal Do Not Go Hand in Hand

Skin burns and extra sensitivity are among the reasons to refrain from getting laser hair removal done while you’re pregnant. Let’s look at the drawbacks of pregnancy laser hair removal.

Insufficient Research

So, does laser hair removal affect pregnancy? There is not enough research on whether getting a laser while pregnant is safe. A review on the safety of cosmetic procedures on pregnant women was published in 2017 by the International Journal of Women’s Dermatology. It stated that while lasers could safely be used to treat medical conditions like kidney stones or genital warts in pregnant women, there is no scientific study or data yet that supports laser hair removal while pregnant.

The jury is still out on the ramifications of exposing a fetus to lasers. A highly concentrated laser beam could potentially harm the baby or the mother in ways they don’t understand yet. Hence doctors typically err on the side of caution. You should too!


Laser hair removal is said to be effective when there is a contrast between the color of your skin and that of your hair. However, when you’re pregnant, hormonal changes in your body cause the skin to darken. This process is called hyperpigmentation. And if it causes the skin on your target area to turn dark, like the color of your hair, laser hair removal in pregnancy might be less effective.

Skin Discomfort

Weight gain is an inevitable part of pregnancy. It causes your skin to stretch, which in turn makes it thinner. Pregnant, stretched-out skin might be extra sensitive to the slight pinch or heat typically felt during the process.

What’s more, when you’re pregnant, there is an increase in blood volume, so your kidneys, uterus, and other organs get enough blood. Given the risk of complications during laser, the changes in hormones during pregnancy might just augment the risks.

Slower Healing

Pregnant skin might heal slower than average, and the discomfort from the heat of the laser may last long after the session.

What about laser hair removal on the face while pregnant? No! And laser hair removal on legs while pregnant? No again!

In fact, pregnant women should avoid all types of laser treatment until after they’ve given birth. If you’re embarrassed about unwanted facial hair, you can opt for traditional hair removal methods like shaving, waxing, etc. It is also best to stay away from hair removal creams while you’re carrying them.

What About Laser Hair Removal After Pregnancy

You can schedule a laser hair removal once you’re postpartum. But, it is important to give your body a break after delivery. Also, hormones take time to regulate after you’ve given birth. It is therefore recommended that you wait 4-6 months after delivery for a laser treatment.

Is Laser Hair Removal While Breastfeeding Safe?

There is no conclusive evidence about laser hair removal dangers on lactating women as long as it is not done on the areola or breast tissues. That said, there is no evidence guaranteeing its safety either.

The best line of action is getting a medical opinion.


So, is laser hair removal during pregnancy safe? Short answer, not so much! While laser hair removal treatment is undoubtedly among the ideal ways to reduce hair growth, it is not recommended while you are carrying it. Once you’ve received the green signal for laser hair removal from your doctor, contact LA Beauty Skin Center.

LA Beauty Skin Center offers state-of-the-art laser treatments and other aesthetic procedures. Our laser hair removal prices are very competitive. You can also check out our monthly med spa specials for some great deals.

Book an appointment at LA Beauty Skin Center today.

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