Is flawless skin an impossible dream? It doesn’t have to be.

Soft, smooth, and supple skin can be within your reach if you know which hair removal method is the best and make wise choices for yourself. However, all the digital noise on beauty hacks can make skin care choices so confusing! All these laser vs waxing and waxing vs epilating debates can be quite disconcerting, and we understand that.

We’re here to spill the tea on the three most common hair removal methods. By the end of this, you will have all the information you need to decide which one to go for.

What Is Epilation Hair Removal & How Does It Work?

Epilation hair removal involves a hand-held and battery-powered device called, as you can guess, an epilator.

There are three general variations of epilators: the needle, the tweezer, and the electrolysis. The first two work by pulling and plucking at hair roots. The third one must be used by an experienced aesthetician because it’s a more complex process and may require local anesthesia.

In order to use an epilator, you need to hold it at a 75 to 90-degree angle (depending on your comfort), switch it on, and move it against the direction of hair growth. The device slowly plucks the hair from the skin, which can be uncomfortable or even painful.

Never press the epilator too hard on your skin, as it can cause nicks and/or nasty cuts.

While epilators can give you silky soft skin, the process can feel unfamiliar and mildly unpleasant to those who have never experienced an epilation hair removal. For a smoother hair removal process with an epilator, gently exfoliate your skin and pat it dry before the procedure. Make sure to pull it taut as you move the device over your skin.

Epilators are made for both dry and wet use.

What Is Epilation Hair Removal And How Does It Work?

What Is Laser Hair Removal & How Does It Work?

There are many myths about laser hair removal. Here’s an undisputed fact: this procedure is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the United States. This is because it is very effective and leads to nearly permanent hair removal. In addition, it’s not nearly not as painful as epilation hair removal.

Laser hair removal works by destroying hair follicles with the help of a targeted laser beam. The laser light gets absorbed by the pigment in the skin called melanin and transforms into heat – destroying the hair follicle. It works best on light skin tones with dark hair.

This procedure must only be performed by a trained medical professional and usually requires multiple sessions to deliver semi-permanent or possibly permanent results. The laser beam eliminates only the hair in the active stage of growth, that’s why several consecutive treatment sessions, 4 weeks apart, are required to target all hair in the treatment area. Hair removal is significantly more thorough and long-lasting compared to epilation or waxing.

What Is Waxing & How Does It Work?

And last but not least, there’s waxing. You can use hot or cold wax or waxing strips to remove unwanted hair from different parts of your body.

How does waxing work? The wax is applied to the skin and let dry. When you peel back the wax, it plucks the body hair from the follicle to the tip, removing it entirely. Waxing gives you smooth skin that can last for quite a long time.

Does waxing remove hair permanently? Certainly not, but it’s relatively inexpensive, and you can easily do it yourself at home without much fuss.

What Is Waxing And How Does It Work?

Epilation vs Laser Hair Removal: Pros and Cons

Which one wins the epilator vs laser hair removal debate? Although both processes have the same goal, they are not the same in practice.

   Epilation is cheaper than laser treatment, but the latter provides a far more risk-free and permanent result.

   You must always exercise caution when using an epilator. The device can lead to grievous injuries when not handled with care.

   While laser hair removal can be performed on any part of your body that experiences hair growth, epilation is not recommended for sensitive areas. For example, you may be wondering can you use epilator on face? You can, but you need to prep your skin, follow extreme caution, and be ready for some redness or inflammation after the procedure.

In the laser hair removal vs epilator debate, is epilating worth it? Only if you want a temporary fix and aren’t afraid of experiencing a little bit of pain, discomfort, or both.

Laser Hair Removal vs Waxing: Pros and Cons

Is laser hair removal better than waxing? Here are some pros and cons of laser hair removal or waxing:

   Laser hair removal provides better, cleaner, and more permanent results than waxing.

   Waxing is far cheaper and easier than laser hair removal. It can be done at home, while laser treatment can only be performed by professionals using specialized technology.

   Does laser hair removal hurt more than waxing? Definitely not. Laser procedures only cause mild tingling or discomfort. Waxing can be incredibly painful, especially if you’re getting it done for the first time.

Which is the better option, laser hair removal or waxing? Depending on your budget, pain threshold, and end goals, either of these options can provide long-term results.

Which Hair Removal Method Is Best and How To Pick the Right One for You

Epilating, waxing, and laser hair removal all have pros and cons. But when you compare all three for which hair removal method is the best, the benefits of laser hair removal outweigh the pros of waxing and epilation. While waxing vs epilating are low-cost, quick, and painful fixes, laser hair removal is fuss-free.

Which Hair Removal Method Is Best

According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD), laser hair removal is permanent “on most parts of the body.” It is also by far the least painful procedure.

How effective is laser hair removal? It leads to excellent results when done right.

The only caveat is that laser hair removal may not show great results on white, gray, or blonde hair. However, innovations in laser technology have made it possible to treat most combinations of hair color and skin tone.

At LA Beauty Skin Center, we provide the best-in-class laser hair removal. We use top-notch devices like Candela GMax Pro, Cynosure Elite iQ and Alma Soprano Ice Platinum for the best results. Our experienced registered nurses provide you with the best and most thorough laser hair removal in Los Angeles.
If you want to know more about the medical spa services we provide, book an appointment at LA Beauty Skin Center online. You can also contact LA Beauty Skin Center on social media.

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