There are many non-surgical skin rejuvenation cosmetic procedures out there. And over the years, PicoSure has emerged as the gold standard for combating skin pigmentation.

Since the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first picosecond laser in 2012, the treatment has become increasingly popular for removing tattoos and stubborn discolorations.

Cynosure, the company behind the picosecond laser, then embarked on a relentless pursuit of improving the technology and bringing it to as many people as possible. And these efforts have led to the development of PicoSure Pro.

What is PicoSure Pro for skin rejuvenation, and which treatment wins the PicoSure vs PicoSure Pro debate?

If you are considering a non-invasive aesthetic treatment for hyperpigmentation, read on for a detailed guide.

What Is PicoSure Pro?

This upgraded version of Cynosure’s PicoSure laser procedure for skin rejuvenation is administered with a proprietary laser. It targets the melanin in the skin and reduces pigmentation, scars, and other skin conditions.

This cutting-edge technology is also effective against signs of aging like open pores, fine lines, wrinkles, and skin irregularities caused by sun damage.

You can also consider tattoo removal with PicoSure Pro.

When administered by an experienced practitioner or aesthetician, PicoSure Pro can even out your skin tone, making it lighter and brighter over time.

In most cases, the effects of PicoSure Pro laser treatment are permanent, although you may need a touch-up once in a while.

What Is PicoSure Pro

How Does PicoSure Pro Work?

PicoSure Pro involves the use of an advanced laser device. It delivers bursts of 755-nm photothermal energy in a matter of picoseconds to the target area on your skin, breaking down the melanin chromophore.

Because it specifically targets melanin clusters, PicoSure Pro affects skin conditions like melasma, Hori’s Macules, and Nevus of Ota.

PicoSure Pro is a high-precision treatment. It does not affect the surrounding tissues, nor does it strip the skin of moisture. The broken pigments are naturally eliminated by the body over time or get absorbed into it.

So how does this treatment help with skin rejuvenation?

The PicoSure Pro laser is fitted with a special fractionated lens that distributes photothermal energy into high and low frequencies, which creates intra-epidermal injuries called Laser Induced Optical Breakdown (LIOB). This process stimulates the instantaneous production of collagen and elastin, which are needed for skin renewal.

What’s the Difference Between PicoSure Pro and Other Laser Treatments?

Cosmetic laser treatments are either ablative (targets the top layers of the skin) or non-ablative (for deeper layers).

Irrespective of the target area, laser procedures are commonly used to treat or reduce scarring, marks, tattoos, or unwanted hair. PicoSure Pro is no exception, except that it is better than other laser-based skin treatments.

Here’s why:

It’s Gentle

PicoSure Pro exposes the skin to photothermal beams for mere picoseconds. Unlike traditional laser, it does not cause the skin to heat up, feel irritated, or itchy. The laser pulses’ wavelength and frequency can also be adjusted to suit your skin’s unique requirements, so it is safe for all skin types.

All of these factors result in a skin procedure that is far more comfortable than other laser-based variations.

Few Side Effects

Because it uses a 755nm pulse for one picosecond (one trillionth of a second), PicoSure Pro only affects the heavily pigmented parts of the skin. It does not cause damage to the surrounding tissues. This significantly lowers the incidence of side effects like redness, swelling, infection, or changes in skin color in the long term.

What’s the Difference Between PicoSure Pro and Other Laser Treatments

Little to No Downtime

PicoSure Pro, when performed by an experienced medical professional, can take as little as 20 minutes to be completed. In most cases of benign pigmentation, three sessions are enough to reduce skin irregularities. However, you will have to keep going back for treatment for months to spot differences in your skin.

Recovery from a PicoSure Pro session lasts 3 to 4 days. This is in stark contrast to the 2 to 4 weeks needed to heal from a traditional cosmetic laser procedure.

Picosure Pro vs. Other Non-Laser Hyperpigmentation Treatments

PicoSure Pro skin rejuvenation also has a definitive edge over non-laser cosmetic procedures generally used to treat hyperpigmentation.

Facial peels, lightening treatments, dermabrasion—they all have longer recovery periods than PicoSure Pro. And these treatments cause severe trauma to the skin that can result in long-term side effects.

PicoSure Pro has the least downtime with the best results. It is certainly far more comfortable than any other procedure mentioned above.

Although more expensive than a chemical peel or a regular laser skin-lightening treatment, the results outweigh the price disadvantage.

Because it only takes a few sessions to start noticing results, PicoSure Pro prices are sure to be cost-effective in the long run.

If you would like to learn more, book an appointment at LA Beauty Skin Center.

What To Expect After a PicoSure Pro Procedure?

PicoSure Pro is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that can last for 20 to 45 minutes, depending on the size of the treatment area. You can expect some redness in the treated area, but it should not take more than 2 to 4 days for you to recover completely.

You may also observe your pigmentation intensifying hours after the treatment. Don’t worry; it will soon fade away. Darkening post-treatment is a normal and expected occurrence. Your skin will only get better with time.

What To Expect After a PicoSure Pro Procedure

Factors To Consider When Choosing a Hyperpigmentation Treatment

Although PicoSure Pro can deliver incredible results, you must first consult an experienced medical specialist to understand if it’s a viable solution to your skin issues. While the process is safe and FDA-cleared, it is still important to exercise caution.

Remember that the procedure must be performed by an experienced medical professional – doctor or RN. Choose a facility run by certified professionals that provide quality treatment. Go for the best and most reliable medical spa in Los Angeles.

If you have been deliberating between PicoSure vs PicoSure Pro, this article should convince you to choose the latter.

To learn more or book your appointment, contact LA Beauty Skin Center. With years of experience and a team of highly skilled professionals dedicated to helping you look great, LA Beauty Skin Center is the best place for any aesthetic treatment.

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