Are Collagen Stimulating Injections Better Than Dermal Fillers for Skin Rejuvenation?

When it comes to anti-aging cosmetic treatments for skin rejuvenation, dermal fillers rule the roost. They have gained near-cult status in North America, and for good reason. 

Dermal fillers prevent premature aging, offering well-discernible and long-lasting results. The procedure is minimally invasive and only takes a few minutes.

The current skincare market is overflowing with different types of facial injections that target various skin problems brought about by aging. But, for those seeking soft tissue repair, choosing the best course of treatment can be confusing. 

Collagen injections vs fillers: which one is the better option when it comes to getting plump, youthful, and wrinkle-free skin? The choice is not as simple as you may think.

How Collagen-Stimulating Injections Work: Understanding Collagen Stimulation and Gradual Transformation

Dermal fillers may be a popular quick fix for skin transformation, but collagen stimulating injectables are the most natural method of gaining back youthful skin. These are injectables that are designed to trigger the natural production of collagen in aging, starting from the age of late 20s and mature skin, effectively reducing age-induced irregularities like wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin, and more.

But how do dermal injectables stimulate collagen production?

Collagen stimulating injections / Sculptra contain poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) as their active ingredient. Once absorbed by the body, the microparticles of PLLA stimulate the regenerative pathways, triggering collagen and elastin production in the skin. Over time, the body continues to produce collagen, maintaining the elasticity and youthful glow of the skin. 

This process focuses on naturally occurring tissue repair and delivers the best results in the long run.

You may be wondering, why collagen and not another natural compound like hyaluronic acid?

This is because collagen makes up the support structure of the skin and contributes to its elasticity. So, collagen stimulating injections will naturally restore skin integrity, even after your body loses its capacity to do so.

Note that this kind of soft tissue repair, rejuvenation, and augmentation is slow and does not show immediate results. But rest assured, your skin will look naturally plump, smooth, and wrinkle-free once the stimulators do their job.

In contrast, dermal fillers consist of substances like hyaluronic acid, or a combination of HA with a collagen-stimulating calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) – Radiesse, to mitigate age-induced skin irregularities. The results are immediate but do not last nearly as long as that of collagen stimulating injections.

Where Can Both Collagen Stimulating Injections and Fillers Work?

Collagen injections vs fillers: is one better than the other? Are there significant differences in terms of results and longevity?

Both of these injectables can be used to treat similar problem areas in your skin. From your cheeks, jawline to your neck, temples and tear troughs – pretty much every part of your face can be injected with either dermal fillers or collagen stimulating fillers

However, there are some exceptions to the generic usage of such fillers.

Target Areas for Collagen-Stimulating Injections

Collagen is a protein that makes up the dermis, or the second layer of the skin. Therefore, collagen stimulating injections are best suited for problems caused by damage to the dermis.

Collagen stimulating fillers can help:

  • Eradicate facial wrinkles
  • Add subtle volume to your cheeks
  • Smoothen fine lines in the chest
  • Improve sagging jowl
  • Tighten and smoothen the skin on the neck
  • Remove cellulite and butt wrinkles
  • Rejuvenate skin on the hands
  • Treat the sunken temple region
  • Improve the texture, appearance and volume of the skin on the buttocks.

So, it is clear that collagen stimulating injections go beyond making your skin look young and plump. They also address any volume loss in various parts of your body, too.

Applications of Dermal Fillers

In contrast, dermal fillers are used to add volume and sculpt facial features. They are formulated to give the skin a fuller and smoother appearance. These fillers are particularly helpful in sculpting cheekbones, jawline, chin, treating the nasolabial folds, the backs of the hands, and augmenting the lips.

Note that dermal fillers are not collagen stimulators. Instead, these are chemical substances that are introduced to the body for short-term skin rejuvenation. Unlike collagen stimulating fillers, non-absorbable dermal fillers can be removed from the skin if you don’t get the results you want. The absorbable fillers assimilate into the body over time.

Both dermal fillers and collagen stimulating injections are FDA-approved treatments that must be performed by certified medical practitioners. Your medical specialist  is the most qualified and knowledgeable professional to suggest the better choice between collagen stimulating injections and dermal fillers, or the combination of both. Collagen-stimulating injectable Sculptra provides a dermal scaffold, upon which HA-fillers can be added for sculpting or volumizing purposes.

How Many Sessions Are Typically Required for Collagen-Stimulating Injections and Fillers?

This depends on the state of your facial muscles, age, and the extent of the skin damage. Typically, three to four sessions spaced out over three to four months are enough to get the desired results. During this period, you can expect to get two to three treatments of collagen stimulating injections into the target areas. 

If there has been too much collagen loss, the frequency of injections can be increased. Your doctor or medical professional will assess your condition and provide you with the best guidance. 

Collagen stimulating injections are low-maintenance cosmetic procedures that give you natural-looking skin without excessive volume.

So, even if the procedure involves a waiting period, you will get highly satisfactory results in the end.

When Can You Expect to See Results from Collagen-Stimulating Injections and Fillers?

Unlike dermal fillers, you will not notice any stark difference in your skin immediately after getting collagen stimulating injectables.

It could take four to twelve weeks for your body to start producing more collagen and show the desired results. But patience pays off because the changes to your skin can last up to two years at a time. 

Dermal fillers usually last for 6 to 8  months.

How Often Can You Get Collagen Stimulating Fillers?

You can go for more collagen stimulating injectables once the initial results start to wear off. For some, this can happen around the 1.5-year mark. For others, additional injections may not be needed until the second or third year. 

You can take certain precautions to ensure that your collagen stimulating injections yield the best results and last a very long time. 

To learn more about the cost of dermal fillers or other injectables that boost collagen production, contact LA Beauty Skin Center. We are a medical spa in Glendale and North Hollywood specializing in sophisticated non-surgical cosmetic treatments. Visit our website to know more.

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