Despite billions of dollars spent on research and treatments, there is no way to stop the natural aging process. As we get older, skin becomes less elastic, fine lines become permanent, and age spots begin to appear.

But by investing in skincare, adopting a few lifestyle changes, or undergoing non-invasive medical treatments, it’s possible to slow everything down. It’s still possible to hold off signs of premature aging and maintain a youthful glow for decades.

What Are the Signs of Premature Aging?

What is premature aging? This is indicated by the following symptoms before you turn 35:

Dry Skin

If your skin is often dry and itchy, it may be thinning due to dehydration. Dryness can also be caused by sun damage, the skin producing less natural oils, or cells renewing at a lower rate—all of which are indications of premature aging.

Wrinkles & Lines

As we age, wrinkles become more prominent due to lower collagen and elastin levels. After the age of 30, a sharp drop in production is what causes premature wrinkles.

Sagging Skin

Sagging skin could also result from a drop in collagen, elastin, or other volume-giving cells. This is a natural outcome of getting older, but factors like sun damage and poor nutrition accelerate the effects, leading to early aging.

Sagging Skin


Age spots are often caused by extra melanin. This type of hyperpigmentation results from years of over-exposure to the sun. Patches are most visible on the neck, face, and hands.

Gaunt Features

Thinning skin gives our hands or facial features a more gaunt appearance. Veins become more prominent, and wrinkles form more quickly—typical signs of early aging.

What Causes Premature Aging?

The causes of premature aging are as varied as its indicators. Let’s take a look at some of the most prominent ones.

The Sun

Over-exposure to UV light is one of the most notorious premature aging causes. While getting sufficient sunlight is helpful for vitamin D levels, not protecting your skin leads to slower collagen and elastin production over time. This causes sagging or gaunt skin.


Everyone knows smoking is bad for the lungs, but it can also speed up the aging process. It restricts oxygen-rich blood flow to the skin, making it more prone to sagging.

Drugs, Alcohol and Caffeine

Apart from the many harmful outcomes of drug use, its dehydrating effects make signs of aging more prominent. The same can be said about excessive alcohol and caffeine intake.

Poor Sleep Habits

Sleep deprivation can lead to a host of skin issues, such as drooping eyelids, pale skin, and pronounced wrinkles. The National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults get 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night to slow down aging.

Poor Sleep Habits

Excessive Sugar Intake

Sugary food and a poor diet can cause inflammation and premature aging. Excess sugar can also impact collagen production.

High Stress Levels

Heightened stress boosts cortisol levels in the body. This hormone blocks collagen production and makes your skin less plump and vibrant.

Lifestyle Factors for Preventing Early Aging

Consider these best practices for how to prevent premature skin aging without medical intervention.

Lead a Healthy Lifestyle

Avoid smoking, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, and sugary foods. Apart from causing other health issues, these severely dehydrate the skin.

Pay Attention to Diet, Nutrition, and Exercise

A healthy, well-balanced diet and regular exercise improve circulation, immunity, and skin quality. Fatty fish, extra virgin olive oil, fruits, and vegetables can have a transformative effect on the skin.

Get Enough Sleep

Research has shown that even a single night of insufficient sleep can impact the age of your cells. Don’t make it a habit!

Protect Against the Sun

To slow down early aging, do not stay in the sun for too long, especially in the summer months. And every time you go out, put on sunscreen. This is also true on overcast days, as harmful UV light can pierce through clouds.

Manage Stress Levels

Adopting mindful practices like meditation can improve stress levels, which leaves you with youthful skin.

Medical Spa Treatments for Premature Aging

Of course, lifestyle changes aren’t immediate solutions. It is best to opt for the benefits of a medical spa to treat signs of early aging.

Several non-surgical aesthetic procedures have shown promise in countering premature aging. Some of the best examples include:

Botox/Dysport/Xeomin Treatments

Botox and other neuromodulators smooth out wrinkles and fine lines by freezing muscle activity. These procedures are safe, effective, and lead to little to no downtime.

Newer treatments, such as the DAXXIFY injection, produce results that could last as long as six months.

Botox, Dysport, Xeomin Treatments for Premature Aging

Collagen-stimulating Injections

Dermal fillers, such as Sculptra and Radiesse, boost collagen production, add volume to the skin, and reverse signs of premature aging. The difference between the two is only with regard to their formula. Both are long-lasting treatments with little to no downtime and few side effects.


Morpheus8 is an advanced microneedling procedure that uses radio frequency to improve skin texture. One session lasts about 90 minutes, and the results last up to a year. A number of medical spas offer Morpheus8 in Los Angeles.

PicoSure Pro and Lumecca IPL

PicoSure Pro and Lumecca IPL are laser treatments that aid skin rejuvenation and treat signs of premature aging. While they share some similarities, PicoSure Pro for skin rejuvenation and Lumecca IPL are deployed differently.

PicoSure Pro delivers rapid pulses of energy into a small target area, destroying skin pigment. Lumecca IPL uses intense pulses of light to treat large surfaces.

Chemical Peels

A chemical peel is a skin resurfacing procedure where the top layer of damaged skin is removed to allow a smoother layer to emerge below. Depending on the intensity of the treatment, the results could last a long time.


This procedure involves making micro-punctures in the skin, which triggers the production of collagen, elastin, and new skin tissue.

Morpheus8 vs microneedling, which is more effective? The answer depends on your specific needs and budget. Contact LA Beauty Skin Center to learn more about which treatment is right for you.

Microneedling for Premature Aging

The Bottom Line

Realizing that your skin is starting to age is a bitter pill to swallow. But by making some lifestyle changes or opting for a safe, non-surgical cosmetic procedure, it is possible to prevent premature aging.

As one of the top medical spas in Los Angeles, LA Beauty Skin Center has years of experience in not only how to prevent premature aging effectively, but also how to rejuvenate and enhance the quality of skin and facial features.

Contact us today to find out which treatment is best for you!

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