How Long Does Botox Last? Learn All About Botox Longevity

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 7 billion Botox procedures are performed every year. This minimally invasive cosmetic procedure is accessible, affordable, and guarantees excellent results. 

Despite its many benefits, Botox is not a permanent solution to age-induced skin irregularities. It needs to be redone once every three to six months. 

So if you are contemplating a Botox treatment, you need to know about Botox results timeline and Botox longevity.

What makes Botox last longer, and what makes Botox wear off faster? Let’s uncover the secrets.

Understanding Botox

What is long lasting Botox

Contrary to popular perception, Botox is not a procedure or treatment. It’s the brand name for the injectable medication used to minimize fine lines, wrinkles, drooping skin, etc. 

While Botox has become synonymous with the treatment, it’s one of the many types of facial injections that can visibly reduce signs of premature aging.

Botox, manufactured by Allergan, is a drug that contains Botulinum Toxin Type A, a neurotoxin produced by the Clostridium botulinum bacteria. Because it is a neurotoxin, Botulinum turns off signaling between muscles and nerves, effectively “relaxing” muscles for a few months. Botulinum is safe to use in pure and diluted concentrations.

Botox became popular because it was the first product of its kind to receive FDA approval for aesthetic use in 2002. It is an approved treatment for muscle spasticity, blepharospasm, cervical dystonia and excessive sweating/hyperhidrosis. It can also be used to treat Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJD), migraines, lazy eye (strabismus) syndrome, muscle spasms, and other medical conditions.

Botulinum is also manufactured by four other brands under different product names:

  • Dysport:


  • Xeomin:


  • Jeuveau:


  • Daxxify:


If you have ever wondered about the difference between Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin, know there are minor differences in the formulation. Otherwise, the purpose of these injectables is the same.

Botox Longevity: What To Expect

Botox results timeline varies depending on many factors. You can expect to see changes within 5 days of the treatment, although the results may take up to 10 days to become fully visible. 

So, how long does Botox last

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the effect of Botox lasts 3 to 4 months on average. This is a conservative approximation—the actual longevity can be up to 6 months in some or as little as two months in others. 

You will need to consult your medical professional every three months or so for evaluations and to boost the efficacy of treatment results.

Factors Influencing Botox Longevity

The longevity of Botox results depends on the following factors:

Muscle Strength

The stronger your facial muscles, the more Botox units you need to see visible results. This is because Botox acts as a muscle relaxant, and it takes more of it to make stronger muscles relax. Because of this, the effects of Botox last longer in areas like the mouth compared to the forehead. 

Botox longevity is inversely proportional to muscle strength. That’s why men or athletes may need frequent touch-ups to ensure their Botox lasts long.

Skin Type

The thicker your skin, the longer the effects may last. However, if you have soft or thin skin, Botox may last for a shorter time.

In addition, people with darker complexions may need more touch-ups than those with fair skin.


With age, wrinkles, glabellar lines, and other skin irregularities like Crow’s feet deepen. Although Botox is effective against these issues, getting preventative treatment at a  young age helps the effects last longer. 

So, at what age should you start Botox to make it last? Your late twenties or early thirties are a good time to get started so that Botox lasts longer. 

As you age, you will need frequent touch-ups and higher doses to see similar outcomes. Your doctor may even recommend pairing Botox with other procedures for best results.

Number of Units

This one is a given—the higher your dose, the longer the Botox lasts. But this does not mean you can simply ask for hefty doses to increase longevity

Botox is usually dispensed in 50 and 100-unit vials, and it’s injected in units. Your doctor will assess your skin, muscle tone, lines and wrinkles and determine how many units you need for treatment. The amount of units of Botox you need depends on the area of treatment and the extent of the damage. 

For example, Allergan, the company that manufactures Botox, recommends 20 units for treating stubborn lines in the forehead. Nonetheless, it varies depending on the age, muscle strength and number of lines / wrinkles. Various calculations are involved in finding the correct dosage for a treatment specific to your skin issues. 

Excessive Botox can give your face and skin an unnatural appearance. So don’t pile up on the product just to improve Botox longevity. It’s important to choose an experienced doctor for achieving your desired outcome.

Injection Technique

Botox injections can be superficial, intradermal or intramuscular, where the product is injected into the muscle. It depends on the individual condition / concern. 

However, certain conditions require a specific injection technique. For example, smoothening glabellar lines typically requires a V-shaped injection pattern. Nonetheless, there are individual anatomical differences in each patient,  which require specific injection techniques and patterns, hence it’s important to choose an experienced medical professional to evaluate and perform the treatment designed specifically for you.

The accuracy of injection techniques can give you long lasting Botox. Getting it from an experienced medical specialist is non-negotiable if you want good results and little to no harmful side effects.

Lifestyle Factors That Influence Botox Longevity

Some other factors that impact how long your Botox lasts include:

Smoking and Alcohol

Regular smoking, vaping, and alcohol consumption can reduce Botox longevity. Alcohol dehydrates the body and skin, resulting in puffiness, gray patches, and swelling in the injected areas. Smoking and vaping accelerate skin aging and it metabolizes Botox faster. 

So if you smoke or drink regularly, you can wave goodbye to long lasting Botox.

Sun Exposure

Overexposure to sun without sunscreen can contribute to the breakdown of collagen and elastin in the skin and faster metabolism of Botox.


Consuming spicy or salty foods that dilate your blood vessels or increase water retention may reduce efficacy. If you want the effects to last longer, you need to maintain a healthy diet.


Avoid intense workouts if you want long lasting Botox. Increased blood flow can cause faster metabolism of Botox, hence its effectiveness.

Smoking and Alcohol

Regular smoking, vaping, and alcohol consumption can reduce Botox longevity. Alcohol dehydrates the body and skin, resulting in puffiness, gray patches, and swelling in the injected areas. Smoking and vaping accelerate skin aging and it metabolizes Botox faster. 

So if you smoke or drink regularly, you can wave goodbye to long lasting Botox.

Sun Exposure

Overexposure to sun without sunscreen can contribute to the breakdown of collagen and elastin in the skin and faster metabolism of Botox.


Consuming spicy or salty foods that dilate your blood vessels or increase water retention may reduce efficacy. If you want the effects to last longer, you need to maintain a healthy diet.


Avoid intense workouts if you want long lasting Botox. Increased blood flow can cause faster metabolism of Botox, hence its effectiveness.

Can You Make Botox Last Longer?

Yes, you can boost Botox longevity by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Stop smoking and drinking, eat non-spicy food, keep your skin hydrated, avoid the sun, and steer clear of heavy exercise. 

If you’re looking for a trusted medical spa in North Hollywood or Botox in Glendale, contact LA Beauty Skin Center. Our medical spa in Glendale has experienced MDs and RNs who can take care of your needs for injectables in Glendale

To get long lasting Botox, come to our aesthetic skin center for injectables in North Hollywood.

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