Aesthetic medicine has evolved by leaps and bounds over the last few years.

It was once assumed that to change, contour, or sculpt a body, you must begin a strenuous training program or go under the knife.

But now, with the rise of new technologies, non surgical cosmetic procedures, and non-surgical body contouring treatments, the landscape has changed.

It’s now possible to get the body you desire and get rid of stubborn fat pockets without worrying about the risks that come with highly invasive surgery—all thanks to non-surgical body treatments.

So, what is body contouring? Or, more importantly, what is non-surgical body contouring?

What Is Non-Invasive Body Contouring?

Also known as body sculpting, contouring refers to any process that helps you change the shape of your body. This is done to reduce pockets of fat, alter the circumference of the waist or thighs, improve the firmness of certain muscle groups or add volume in certain areas of the body.

Contouring is not a weight loss solution. Body contouring procedures will not help with obesity or improve a person’s health. Instead, it’s a way to shed excess skin, eliminate stubborn / exercise -resistant fat tissue or cellulite, add volume in hip dips and tone specific parts of the body into a desired shape or silhouette.

What Is Non-Invasive Body Contouring

When Are Non-Invasive Treatments Appropriate?

Non-surgical body contouring treatments work best for people who are healthy and have achieved a certain level of fitness but still struggle with visible bulges. For instance, men and women who’d like to complement and enhance their exercise and lifestyle modifications to achieve their optimal body shape, or women who have recently given birth can benefit from body reshaping without surgery.

People who are in shape but still have visible cellulite or unwanted fat deposits, but don’t want to undergo invasive procedures like liposuction, tend to be the ideal candidates for body sculpting procedures.

What Are the Best Body Contouring Treatments For Women?

So how does body contouring work? Experts in aesthetic medicine have developed several new technologies and treatments to help get a body in shape. Some work by freezing and destroying fat cells, while others use radio-frequency coupled with deep microneedling or heat to remodel subcutaneous adipose tissue in targeted areas.

Some of the most popular body contouring procedures include:


CoolSculpting is one of the safest and most effective body sculpting procedures. It works by freezing the fat cells within a target area and naturally eliminating them from the body. The FDA has cleared CoolSculpting treatments targeted at fat in the under jawline and chin area / submental fat, upper arms, back, bra fat, belly, waist / love handles, flanks, under buttocks / banana rolls or thighs that are difficult to eliminate with exercise.

During an hour-long session, an expert will use cooling applicators on the target area and freeze the fat cells to death – a process called cryolipolysis. After the treatment the body removes the dead fat cells over time. During each treatment session 20-25% of fat tissue gets permanently eliminated in the treated area. Hence, 3-5 treatments, 4 weeks apart are recommended for the optimal results. Some signs of CoolSculpting may begin to emerge after a single session, but the optimal results won’t be evident until after a few months.

This is one of the few entirely non-invasive body contouring procedures that doesn’t require any needles. This means there is little to no recovery time needed—you can walk out of the clinic soon after your session.



CoolTone treatment is a non-surgical body contouring treatment that strengthens and tones muscles in the stomach, butt, and legs. It does so through bursts of electromagnetic energy that cause involuntary contractions in the body.

An expert will place a device on your body that triggers muscle activity, which is more intense than even the most strenuous exercise. In a single 30-minute session, the device can create between 20,000 to 25,000 contractions.

Usually, 4-8 treatments within 2-4 weeks are recommended for optimal results. The results of this body sculpting procedure are gradual, with optimal results seen after completion of the treatment protocol.

So why not book an appointment at LA Beauty Skin Center today to get a headstart?

Morpheus8 Body

Morpheus8 Body uses advanced radio-frequency technology in conjunction with deep needling to remodel, contour and sculpt the subdermal adipose tissue, and stimulate collagen production in the skin. It can be used virtually on all areas of the body to remodel and tighten the skin and underlying fat tissue. The treatment is painful but tolerable with a proper topical numbing cream. Redness, swelling and bruising are common after effects of the treatment which gets resolved within a few days. Treatment protocol is 3 procedures, 4 weeks apart. The results are additive and are optimal after completion of the treatment protocol.


Sculptra is an FDA-approved dermal injectable. It is another effective non-surgical body contouring treatment that helps firm up a targeted area. It also stimulates the creation of collagen.

Sculptra is injected into the body—a procedure done by an experienced medical professional. Since it can reduce lines and dimples to create a fuller, more supple look, Sculptra is also used to treat cellulite deposits, dimples, or stretch marks in the butt.

A Sculptra butt lift is a non-surgical BBL that is ideal if you want a more voluptuous look without surgery.

The results of Sculptra can be seen a few weeks after the treatment because it stimulates collagen production. An expert may recommend follow-up sessions up to a month after your first treatment.

Hyper-diluted Radiesse

Hyper-diluted Radiesse is a bio-stimulating dermal injectable that volumizes and boosts collagen and elastin production in the treated area. It is used for sculpting the buttocks- the non-surgical buttlift / BBL, correction of the hip dips and improving skin’s elasticity and firmness. The results are subtle immediately after the treatment, with the optimal results seen 2-3 months after the treatment. A few treatment sessions might be recommended depending on the desired look.


Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable for treating the double chin / submental fat. During the procedure, an experienced medical professional performs multiple injections of Kybella in a specific grid pattern on the patient’s submental fat tissue. The treatment lasts about 20 minutes. Kybella destroys fat cells, the remnants of which get gradually eliminated from the body. 2-3 treatments might be needed to achieve desired results. Swelling in the treated area is common and may last a few weeks.


Endospheres treatment is one of the few non-invasive body contouring procedures that can work on the entire body, including the face. With a micro-vibration and micro-compression device, a professional will generate low-frequency vibrations that eliminate cellulite, improve lymphatic drainage, prevent fluid retention, and halt the build-up of fat cells.

The combination of these mini-vibrations and pressure applied to the skin mimics the effects of a workout. Patients have said the process feels like a firm massage.

Body reshaping without surgery requires patience: 12 treatments within 4-6 weeks are recommended for the best results.


Are Non-Invasive Treatments Painful?

When compared to surgical options, non-surgical body contouring treatments cause little or no pain.

Depending on the body sculpting procedures you opt for, there could be some side effects, such as numbness or swelling, but these disappear after a few days.

CoolSculpting: Patients report feeling mild pinching and pulling. But overall, the treatment is painless.

Sculptra: The injections themselves aren’t painful. But you may experience some tenderness or swelling for a few days after a session.

CoolTone: The procedure is not painful. You may feel sore for some time after, similar to how you would feel after a workout.

EndoSpheres: The process is completely painless and only feels like a firm massage.

Is Body Contouring Safe?

Non-surgical body contouring treatments are considered to be safe. While there are risks of some side effects, it’s important to choose an experienced and knowledgeable medical professional for the treatment. Some of the most common reactions to body sculpting procedures include pain or discomfort, redness, swelling, and slight bruising.

If you still can’t help but wonder, is body contouring safe? Contact LA Beauty Skin Center for more information.

The Bottom Line: What to Expect After the Procedure

So how long does non surgical body contouring last?

While no body sculpting procedures are completely permanent, the treatments’ effects are meant to be long-lasting, with some lasting over a decade. Maintaining a healthy diet and active lifestyle during this period will only extend its value.

After successfully completing all body contouring procedures, including all follow-up sessions, you can expect to see results within three to six months.

Only half a year to achieve your dream body with minimal to no side effects—what more could you ask for? Contact LA Beauty Skin Center to book your first session.

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