The skincare industry is constantly evolving. And in the last decade, a number of new non-surgical aesthetic procedures have emerged, promising skin rejuvenation with little to no side effects.

These treatments effectively address a range of skin issues, such as fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, and sunspots.

In this article, we take a deep dive into the laser skin rejuvenation treatment that has been taking the world by storm: PicoSure Pro.

What is a PicoSure laser? Let’s take a closer look.

How Does the PicoSure Pro Laser Work?

PicoSure Pro is a versatile treatment used for several skin concerns. A laser delivers pulses of light at one trillionth of a second deep into the skin. This creates pockets of pressure that break down pigments, shatter melanin, or spur collagen growth. It also activates the body’s immune system, which eliminates these broken-down pigments.

Because the energy is delivered into the skin at such high speeds, it targets specific areas and does not affect surrounding tissue, ensuring minimal skin damage in the process.

The result of this laser facial rejuvenation treatment is a reduced appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and acne scars.

How Does the PicoSure Pro Laser Work

What Are the Benefits of PicoSure Laser Skin Rejuvenation?

There are several advantages associated with PicoSure Pro for skin rejuvenation. While vastly improving the appearance of the skin, it is also known for:

   Requiring minimal downtime
   Being a safe, non-invasive alternative to treat common skin issues
   Needing limited treatment time
   Causing fewer side effects
   Dealing with various skin types
   Being easy to customize based on requirements

If you live in Los Angeles and want to learn more about the benefits of this treatment, contact LA Beauty Skin Center.

Skin Concerns You Can Treat with PicoSure Pro

PicoSure Pro is a skin rejuvenation with laser treatment that was launched in 2022. It can be used to mitigate the following issues:

Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Fine lines and wrinkles develop as we get older. It is a result of skin losing elasticity and levels of collagen reducing.

What does Picosure laser do to prevent this? It targets these lines and stimulates collagen and elastin growth, leaving you with smoother and more youthful skin.

Enlarged Pores

PicoSure Pro laser is highly effective in improving the overall texture of the skin by minimizing the enlarged pores and smoothing out skin, creating a ‘filtered’ look.

Acne Scars

Some forms of aggressive acne are known to leave behind noticeable scarring and hyperpigmentation. PicoSure Pro aids skin rejuvenation and acne treatment by transferring energy into the area, which converts into pressure waves that break down scar tissue.

The shattered pigments are removed by the lymphatic system. The body creates new healthy skin cells with collagen and elastin, leading to a healthier, smoother complexion.

Acne Scars

Melasma & Skin Tone

Melasma and other skin discoloration issues are generally harmless conditions. However, they can seriously impact a person’s self-confidence.

PicoSure Pro is a promising laser rejuvenation treatment for two reasons:

   Its pulses of energy target only the melasma pigment, ensuring no effect on the surrounding skin.
   It disrupts the pigment in the upper layers of the skin rather than simply reducing pigment transfer like other laser treatments.

Freckles and Sunspots

PicoSure Pro’s benefits extend to other pigmented lesions, such as freckles and sunspots. The treatment follows the same principle: energy is delivered by the laser deep into the dermis, breaking down pigmentation and leaving smoother, more radiant skin.

Apart from these skin rejuvenation benefits, PicoSure Pro has also proven exceptionally effective at removing even the most complex tattoos.

For more information about tattoo removal with PicoSure Pro, we recommend you book an appointment at LA Beauty Skin Center.

What To Expect During a PicoSure Pro Session

Now that you know what is PicoSure Laser treatment, let’s get into the specifics.

Before you book an appointment with an RN, you must prepare by:

   Avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun for a few weeks
   Avoiding alcohol and tobacco
   Making sure the targeted area is free of inflammation
   Not applying any lotions, creams, or makeup to your skin

When you book a consultation with a clinic, you will be informed about how many sessions you will need. Most complete laser skin rejuvenation treatments span around three to five sessions, with an interval of two to four weeks between.

But this depends on the nature of your skin issue and the results you are aiming for. For example, you may only need two to three sessions if you want to remove wrinkles and fine lines. Acne-related issues may require up to four or more sessions, as it takes longer to break down scar tissue completely.

The actual sessions are short, usually lasting around 30 minutes. In some cases, a numbing agent may be applied to your skin; however, there is little to no pain associated with the process. At most, you may feel some slight discomfort or tingling. There are also very few side effects associated with this treatment, with some patients reporting mild swelling or redness that disappears in a few hours.

PicoSure Pro’s price also differs depending on the number of sessions required.

What To Expect During a PicoSure Pro Session

There is no downtime associated with laser skin rejuvenation, which means you can go about your regular activities after each session. However, you need to follow a few strict aftercare procedures, such as applying a cold compress, consistently moisturizing your skin and applying sunscreen.

Doctors also recommend keeping an eye on your hydration, avoiding tanning for up to a month, and avoiding alcohol and tobacco.


PicoSure Pro skin rejuvenation is a highly recommended treatment as it is very effective, with little to no side effects and downtime. When compared to other traditional laser rejuvenation, it is also more versatile, dealing with a range of skin issues. It is also much more customizable and well-suited for various skin types.

If you’re looking for a medical spa in Los Angeles, or have any more questions about this or any other cosmetic procedure, get in touch with the experts at LA Beauty Skin Center today.

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