Skin treatments have come a long way in the last few years.

Just a decade ago, dealing with recurring skin issues often involved having to undergo invasive surgeries. But with the introduction of new treatments, such as PicoSure Pro for skin rejuvenation, things have changed.

It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for treatment for hyperpigmentation, ways to reduce acne scarring or conditions like melasma—PicoSure Pro can take care of them.

What is this wonder treatment, and how does it work?

Let’s take a closer look.

What Causes Hyperpigmentation?

What is the best treatment for hyperpigmentation?

Before we can begin answering this question, we need to understand what causes the condition in the first place. Hyperpigmentation is a term used to describe uneven pigmentation, or dark spots, on the skin. It can also refer to sun spots or age spots.

Hyperpigmentation is caused by increased melanin, the pigment that gives our skin, hair, and eyes their color. It can be triggered by several factors, such as sun exposure, age, skin injuries, or hormonal imbalances.

It could also lead to a condition called melasma, which emerges as large patches of hyperpigmentation on the face.

What Causes Hyperpigmentation

What Is the Most Effective Treatment for Hyperpigmentation?

There are several treatments for hyperpigmentation and melasma, ranging from skin-lightening creams to chemical peels and laser skin rejuvenation.

Each of these treatments has pros and cons related to the number of sittings, cost, and levels of effectiveness. The PicoSure Pro laser has recently emerged as one of the most effective options.

To understand why, let’s first answer the question: how does Picosure Pro work for hyperpigmentation?

How Effective is PicoSure Pro Laser for Melasma?

PicoSure Pro is a versatile treatment that is recommended for various skin concerns and it is the first picosecond laser that is FDA-approved for the treatment of melasma.

The PicoSure laser delivers pulses of light deep into the skin at one trillionth of a second. This creates pockets of pressure that break down pigments and melanin. It also activates the immune system, which eliminates these pigments.

Unlike other procedures that can cause further discoloration, PicoSure Pro for melasma is incredibly effective at targeting specific areas.

And when you undergo PicoSure Pro laser for melasma, you can expect little to no downtime. You will also see results quickly. Sessions last an average of 30 minutes, during which you should feel little to no pain. Some individuals report needing just one sitting before results begin to appear.

PicoSure Pro vs Lumecca IPL: Which Works Best?

PicoSure Pro for melasma is not to be confused with another treatment called Lumecca IPL.

PicoSure Pro works by delivering short pulses of energy into target areas, which destroy skin pigment, and has very little recovery time. Meanwhile, Lumecca IPL uses intense light energy to treat large areas of affected skin. PicoSure Pro is approved by the FDA specifically for melasma treatment. Lumecca IPL is effective for treatment of sun spots, freckles and vascular lesions.

PicoSure Pro vs Lumecca IPL

What’s the Main Cause for Enlarged Pores

Enlarged pores are depressions that form around sweat and oil ducts on the face. They are often caused by:

   Oily skin

   Sun damage

   Loss of skin elasticity

   Certain make-up products


PicoSure Pro laser treatments are effective in reducing enlarged pores by tightening and smoothing the skin.

How PicoSure Pro Improves the Texture of the Skin

Apart from being an effective treatment for hyperpigmentation, PicoSure Pro can also significantly help improve skin texture. It stimulates collagen and elastin production, which give your skin a youthful glow.

At the same time, it removes impurities from the pores, improving tone and texture. It does so through a process known as cell signaling. This allows the Pico laser to identify and locate damaged cells and trigger a healing response in those areas.

How Many PicoSure Pro Treatments Do You Need?

The effectiveness of PicoSure Pro for melasma depends from case to case. On average, patients report needing five to ten sittings to see results.

Each treatment for hyperpigmentation is carried out two to four weeks apart. Most patients say that they begin to see the results of PicoSure for melasma in about two to four weeks.

How Long Will the Results Last?

Depending on the condition you’re seeking to treat, PicoSure Pro has different success levels. In the case of tattoo removal and acne scars, the effects are permanent.

When used to even out fine lines and improve skin texture, results of PicoSure for melasma could be seen for a few months or a few years before they begin to fade. In most cases, the effects of PicoSure last about six months before you must book another appointment.

How Long Will the Results Last

How Much Does Treatment For Hyperpigmentation Cost?

Before arriving at an exact figure, there are a few things you must consider:

   The issues you want to address

   The choice of treatment: Picosure Pro vs Lumecca IPL

   How many sittings you will need

Depending on the answers, the price could range from a few hundred dollars to several thousands. For example, PicoSure Pro, the enhanced treatment for hyperpigmentation and improvement of skin’s texture is more expensive. For a complete idea of the cost, check out this detailed breakdown of PicoSure prices.

If you’re unsure which treatment is best for you, we recommend contacting LA Beauty Skin Center for an appointment and more information.

LA Beauty Skin Center: The PicoSure Pro and Melasma Experts

If you’re looking for a medical spa in Los Angeles with years of experience and proven expertise in the best treatment for hyperpigmentation and a host of related skin issues, look no further than LA Beauty Skin Center.

Apart from carrying out high-quality procedures, our experts are also well-equipped to answer any questions related to Picosure Pro laser for melasma, Lumecca IPL or the best treatments for hyperpigmentation.

Book an appointment at LA Beauty Skin Center today to see how we can help!

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